Journey to Peace...
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Journey to Peace...

Hey 👋🏾 Welcome to another installment of the Notes on Growth Monthly Musings...

Take note: I use the term 'monthly' very loosely, as I know it's been a while.


The theme for this musing is 'peace'


Lately, I've found myself increasingly concerned with peace. I want nothing more than to reside in a place of continuous peace, joy, and growth. I've found myself pondering what that may or may not look like and how I may go about achieving it.


The dictionary describes peace as 'freedom from disturbance; tranquility'.

Whenever I hear the word peace, the Lauryn Hill melody plays in my mind: 'I've gotta find peace of mind. He says it's impossible, but I know it's possible 🎵', and I sometimes drift away on a mental journey in search of peace.

However, the definition of peace offers me comfort in reminding me that peace is not necessarily created or sought, as from this perspective it is the absence of disturbance. 


So how do we create absence? through removal, right? ...So, in line with this train of thought, peace is attained by removing the disturbance rather than being something created. We are not creating peace but rather removing that which disturbs our peace. From this perspective, we can also take the viewpoint that peace is already there; it is just temporarily blocked or disturbed.


Yes, it is easier said than done; life is way more complex than just being able to remove things that stand in your way. But think of it like this: rather than searching for peace, we can actually take steps to create an optimal environment for peace to thrive. We can tackle our problems step by step, piece by peace, until they are resolved and/or removed.


We can also work to better serve ourselves by analysing our problems. We can explore how to better manage them so they are less of an issue. Is it possible to remove it altogether if a resolution is unattainable? The aim of the game becomes neutralisation. How we approach and tackle our issues heavily influences how they impact our lives, and whilst it would be lovely to simply manifest peace, sometimes the only way to solve our problems is to tackle them head-first.


So my question to you is: What problem will you solve or remove in order to make space for peace in your life today?

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