Summer musings...
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Summer musings...

One word that has lingered in my mind over the past few weeks is 'consistency'


Our lives are made up of what we do and, in some cases, what we fail to do. Everything is ultimately the result of minute actions that eventually build up to something bigger. The time we decide to get up, the clothes we choose to buy, the way we decide to communicate...

The behaviours we choose to incorporate into our lives shape the way we experience life.

I once heard a saying that said, It takes 21 days to form a habit, and it has stayed with me ever since. I often think of trying to outgrow my outdated habits by creating new ones. So when I find myself slipping in taking care of myself, I consciously decide to create a new habit that addresses the issue, aiming to get a full 21 days of it so I can really integrate it into my life. In this sense, what I really am aiming for is consistency, in the hope that by consistently performing the behaviour in question, it can eventually become a habit and a staple part of my life. From this viewpoint, consistency is very important in the early days of forming a habit, the days where you might not feel like doing it because it is not yet intrinsic. Before something becomes a habit and part of your nature, there will be days when you don't feel like doing it. On these days, you have to aim for consistency rather than outcome. Even if it is just taking small steps, being consistent will eventually get you where you need to be.

Another important thing to note is the choice to focus on building new positive habits rather than honing in on what we want to change or what we may view negatively about ourselves. We often get hung up on our shortcomings. Remember that when trying to care for someone or something in a conscious manner, the act of love is more effective than chastisement, and gentle discipline will get you further than punishment.

With love


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